P. 76

H.  Text Application
                        The application of discussion text can be seen in debate activity. Below are the details of it.

                                                      The Basic of Debating

                                       What’s debate?                            What’s motion?

                          ▪  It is a structured argument.          ▪  Motions, also known as topics, are full
                          ▪  Two  sides  speak  alternately  for  and   propositional statements that determine
                             against  a  particular  contention  usually   what a debate shall be about.
                             based on a topical issue.             ▪  In the debate, the affirmative team must
                          ▪  The two sides are the affirmative team   argue  to  defend  the  propositional
                             and the negative team.                   statement of the motion
                          ▪  The affirmative team must define and  ▪  And  the  negative  team  must  argue  to
                             support the topic by giving constructive   oppose it.
                          ▪  The  negative  team  must  oppose  the
                             topic  as  defined  by  the  affirmative
                             team, and build a counter-case against
                             the affirmative team.

                                         Example of motions for English debate competition
                         ▪  Economy
                             This house believes that the government failed to run the economy.
                         ▪  Politic
                             This house believes that people are getting irrational.
                         ▪  Social
                             This house would ban marriage to more than one wife.
                         ▪  Education
                             This house would merge any schools with their neighbors
                         ▪  aw
                             This house supports the sheath penalty for corruptors.
                         ▪  Culture
                             This house would place its own culture first
                         ▪  Entertainment
                             This house would ban beauty contest.
                         ▪  Sport
                             This house would legalize the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport.

                        How to get successful communication in debate?

                        ✓  We should be sure that our listener hear what we are saying
                        ✓  We should deliver our message appropriately
                        ✓  If we want to debate or to disagree with someone, we should be able to express our
                            disagreement politely.

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