P. 75

E. Connective Words
                          ✓  Connectives are words to link ideas, so that there is a unity in a paragraph.
                          ✓  Connectives are found in a discussion text.

                                              Connectives                                 Functions
                              and,  also,  as  well  as,  besides,  finally,     More information follows
                              furthermore, moreover, in addition to
                              for  example,  such  as,  the  following,  like,  for     Examples will follow
                              even  if,  however,  in  spite  of,  instead  of,     An opposite idea will follow
                              nevertheless, on the other hand, despite, still, yet
                              but, except                                      An exception will follow
                              as a result of, because, due to, in order to, since      Information about the cause of
                                                                               something follows
                              as a consequence. As a result, consequently, so,     Information about the effects of
                              so that, therefore                                something follows


                              o  Even if some people support the rule of the internet in education, many people
                                  believe that the internet degrades the quality of research.
                              o  However interesting video games are, children should remember their homework.
                              o  No matter how difficult the final examination is, you should finish it on time.
                              o  I won’t buy an LED whatever it costs.

                              Note :

                              ▪  Although, even though, though should be follow by a clause
                              ▪  In spite of and despite should be followed by a noun

                     F. Comment Adverb
                        Comment and verb in discussion texts are used to express our opinion on something. Some
                        comment adverbs that can be found in discussion texts are  personally, obviously, clearly,
                        and undoubtedly.

                    G.  Expressing Stance

                                  Argument(s) for:                        Argument(s) against
                            •  I strongly believe that ...        •  I disagree with ...
                            •  I absolutely agree with....        •  That might be true, but I ...
                            •  I’m  standing  in  a  position  to   •  I’m in opposition to ...
                            •  I agree with you                   •  I’m afraid I disagree
                            •  I’m positive about that            •  I’m not sure about that
                            •  I like it that way                 •  I don’t see it that way

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