P. 61

stories,  many  about  sensational  people  or  events.  The  Times,  although  it  doesn’t  neglect  human
               interest, offers more news of worldwide importance. furthermore, the syles of writing are not alike.
               The News stresses brief, simple reporting in everyday language. The Times, on the other hand, is
               much more formal and detailed; it’s articles take up several columns  and are filled with background
               material and events that may have bearing on the present story.
                                                  Taken from: be smart in English 3

                   1.  What’s the subject matter discussed in the text above?
                   2.  What is being compared by the writer in the text above?
                   3.  How does Times differ from New York Daily News?
                   4.  Do you also find the conjunctions used in the text above? List the conjunctions used in the
                      text above?
                   5.  After you have listed the conjunctions used in the text above, create your own sentences
                      using the conjunction.

               Activity 5. Change the sentences below using nevertheless. No 1 has been done for you.

                   Nevertheless and nonetheless are very similar to despite that: they show that a second
                   point in some way contrasts with the first. Nevertheless and nonetheless are used in the
                   same way, and both are quite formal:

                   1.  Chandra  wasn’t tired, but he went to bed anyway.

                      Chandra wasn’t tired. Nevertheless he went to bed anyway.
                   2.  She wasn’t thirsty, but she drank two cans of soft drink.
                   3.  Everybody still trusts her to lead the organization eventhough she never does such a great
                      thing for the organization.
                   4.  Nara was very upset, but she smiled and pretended to be having a good time.
                   5.  All the SAR team didn’t panic even though they couldn’t find the rest of the victim in the bad
                   6.  Mr. Jeremy is not the citizen of Britain, but he has to pay income taxes anyway.
                                                 Adapted from:Be smart in English 3

               Activity 6. Change the sentences using unless

                   Unless  expresses  a  condition  that  a  particular  action  or  situation  will  occur  only  if
                   another specified action happens earlier. Number 1 is a sample for you.

                   1.  I will go to the zoo it isn’t cold.
                      I will go to the zoo unless it is cold.
                   2.  Jane can’t travel abroad if she don’t has a passport.

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