P. 56

A.  Learning Activity 1

                        In this activity, you are expected to:

                 ✓  Analyzing the sentences that use contrastive conjunction
                 ✓  Analyzing the use of contrastive conjunction
                 ✓  Changing sentences using contrastive conjunction

                 ✓  Combining the sentences into a sentence using contrastive conjunction
                 ✓  Making sentences using contrastive conjunction
                 ✓  Creating dialogue or monologue using contrastive conjunction

                   B. The Purpose of the Study

                     Through learning activities using Discovery Learning, it guide students to analyze the
                     sentences that use contrastive conjunction, analyze the use of contrastive conjunction,
                     change sentences using contrastive conjunction, complete the blank sentences using
                     contrastive  conjunction,  make  sentences  using  contrastive  conjunction,  create
                     dialogue  or  monologue  using  contrastive  conjunction  with  curiosity,  responsibility,
                     discipline, be hoest, polite, confident, never give up, have a responsive attitude (think
                     critically), be creative, and be able to communicate well.

                    C. Observing

                     Activity  1. Read te text below and discuss the questions that follow.

                                                          College life

                            In many countries, such as France, Greece, and Japan, it is often more difficult
                     for students to pass the college entrance than to do the course work when they are
                     actually in college, and students who don’t have much money are at a disadvantage.
                     Students prepare for this test for years in advance. Often, students attend a private

                     school at night (for instance, a juku in Japan or a frontisirion in Greece) to get ready
                     for  them.  These  private  schools  are  usually  expensive.  If  their  families  don’t  have
                     much  money,  students  can’t  attend,  and  they  might  not  pass  the  entance  exams
                     without this extra preparation.
                            In  contrast, students  can  easily  get  into  an  American  or  Canadian  college  at
                     least  more  easily  than  in  other  contries.  American students  take an  entrance  exam
                     called the S.A.T. (the Scholastic Aptitude Test). However, colleges do not consider only

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