P. 47
G. Grammar Focus
What’s the different of finite and non-finite clause ?
Finite Clause Non-Finite Clause
• Finite clauses can be main clauses
or • Non Finite clauses are always
subordinate clauses subordinate clauses
• The time of action can be seen from • The verbs used do not show the tense
the verb used as it shows the tense. • The time of action can be identified
• Example: from the main clauses.
- The demonstrators feel the spirit • Example:
of People Power which succeeded - It aims to help developing
in overthrowing the corrupt countries recover assets stolen by
regime of Ferdinand Marcos in corrupt leaders.
1986. - A major issue resentfully
- People power, which toppled the influencing India’s economy is
corrupt regime of Ferdinand corruption
Marcos in 1986, was in the mind - In 2005, a study conducted by
of protesters masses in Manila’s Transparancy International
main park on 26 August. reported that more than 62% of
(adjective/relative/non- Indians had firsthand experience
defining/finite clause) of paying bribers or nepotism to
complete work at public offices.
Adapted from: Pathway to English book
H. Exercises
Activity 4. Identify the following expression if they are expressions with relative clauses.
1. I told you about the woman who lives next door.
2. Do you see the cat which is lying on the roof?
3. I don’t know which of these eggs are bad.
4. Do you know the boy whose mother is a nurse?
5. I don’t understand what he is talking about?
6. Do you know who repaired my bike?
7. A seaman is someone who works on a ship.
8. This is the bank which was robbed yesterday.
9. It is my fault that you don’t get any informations.
10. Why did she refuse your invitation?