P. 12

F.  Material Description

                     Activity  2. Read and learn the following explanation.

                     In  a  conversation,  sometimes  people  use  Causal  Relationship.  There  are  several  things  that
                     should  you  pay  attention  more  about  the  structure,  the  use  and  the  rule  of  using  it.  The
                     following is the explanation.

                                        Causal Relationship (Cause and Effect)

                     a.  Definition
                         “So  and  Such”  is  Adverb  of  Degree.  In  English  emphasize  the  quality  of  someone  /
                         something  that  we  can  interpret  as  "very".  Then  followed  by  “that”  which  means,
                         emphasis on quality causes something to happen that we can interpret as “so”.

                     b.  Social function
                         ‘So ... that ...’ and ‘Such...that ...’ is used to show cause and effect.

                     c.  Structure of the text

                                                So + adjective / adverb + that + clause

                                          So + many/much/few/little + noun+ that + clause

                              Such + a + noun phrase (adjective + singular count noun) + that + clause

                           Such + noun phrase (adjective + plural count / non-count noun) + that + clause

                               Such + a + noun phrase (adverb + singular count noun) + that + clause

                   ❖  When do we use it?

                          1)  ‘So ... that ...’ and ‘Such ... that ...’ is used when you want to show a fact with the
                              result or consequence.

                                 •  Ivan Gunawan is so famous that he appears on TV almost every day.
                                                    Cause  (Fact)               Effect
                                    The sentence “Ivan Gunawan is so famous “ expresses the  fact  of Ivan’s
                                    The  clause  ‘that’  after  ‘so  famous’  expresses  the  effect  of  Ivan  Gunawan
                                    being popular.

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