P. 95

11. ".. causing them to die out immediately." The underlined word refers to ....
                   A.  underwater plantations
                   B.  large-scale projectd
                   C.  marine creatures
                   D.  greenery
                   E.  corals

               Read the text to answer the questions number 12 and 13

                      Many students have problems with their studies and one of the solutions is extending
               lesson hours. This extension may be as 30 minutes, but several regions have implemented up to
               2 additional hours of schooling every day. Here are several pros and cons of a longer school day
               to consider and discuss as well.

                      On its positive side, extending classes matches to a parent's work schedule. In a full-day
               school, the final class ends 1-2 hours before the workday ends for most parents. By extending
               the length of the school day, parents and children's schedules will better match.

                      Then,  it  provides  additional  learning  time  for  other  subjects.  In  an  era  when  school
               regions face tight budgets and limited resources, the creative subjects tend to be the first ones to
               go. Subjects like music, art, and physical education tend to be cut because they aren't tested in a
               standardised way. By having longer school days, it would be possible to add these subjects back
               into local curriculums so that students can benefit from a well-rounded education.

                      The other benefit is that it could create longer family weekends. Full-day schools and
               working hours extend a similar length time. That means the potential of creating longer family
               weekends when schedules can be synced up, and that increases parent-child

               contact time.

                      On  the  other  hand,  full-day  schools  have  disadvantages.  It  limits  students'  activities
               outside  of  school.  Instead  of  pursuing  something  they  are passionate  about,  students  will  be
               sitting at a table or desk, trying to retain information from textbooks.

                      Then, it results in fatigue. Children who become tired are less likely to retain information
               provided  to  them.  Fatigue  in  children  can  also  create  mood  instabilities  or  enhance  the
               symptoms of an attention deficit disorder diagnosis.

                      Finally, more funding is  required to make long hours happen. More contact hours for
               teachers means a higher salary needs to be paid. Another solution would be to hire additional
               teachers, but that would mean an added labour cost as well. It means private schools would
               raise their tuition rates.

                      Above all, the pros and cons of a longer school day will always be a controversial debate.
               More contact time can mean greater learning opportunities, but it could also create discipline
               issues for tired children without seeing any gains in scores.

                                           Adopted from: (8th November 2019)

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