P. 86

I. Summary

            ✓  A discussion text is a piece of writing or a text which presents a problematic discourse and explores
                both sides of an issue. This problem or issue will be discussed from different points of view.

            ✓  The function is to present to the audience different opinions or arguments and information on a
                topic from different points of views, at the end, the writer’s opinion.

            ✓  In discussion text, the writer tries to present :
                 ▪  Pros and cons,
                  ▪  Arguments for and arguments against,
                 ▪  Advantages and disadvantages,
                 ▪  Positives and negatives,
                 ▪  Good points and bad points of an issue
            ✓  Generic Structures

                 ▪  Issue
                 ▪  Supporting point
                  ▪  Contrastive point
                 ▪  Recommendation/conclusion

            ✓  Using connective words
                                  Connectives                                Functions
                  and,  also,  as  well  as,  besides,  finally,  More information follows
                 furthermore, moreover, in addition to

                 for example, such as, the following, like, for  Examples will follow

                 even  if,  however,  in  spite  of,  instead  of,  An opposite idea will follow

                 nevertheless, on the other hand, despite, still,
                  but, except                               An exception will follow
                 as  a  result  of,  because,  due  to,  in  order  to,  Information  about  the  cause  of  something
                 since                                      follows
                 as a consequence, as a result, consequently,  Information  about  the  effects  of  something
                  so, so that, therefore                    follow

             ✓  Using expressing stance
                              Argument(s) for:                       Argument(s) against
                 •  I strongly believe that ...          •  I disagree with ...
                  •  I absolutely agree with....         •  That might be true, but I ...
                 •  I’m standing in a position to support...   •  I’m in opposition to ...

                 •  I agree with you                     •  I’m afraid I disagree
                                   Argument(s) for:
                                                                          Argument(s) against
                 •  I’m positive about that              •  I’m not sure about that
                 •  I like it that way                   •  I don’t see it that way
                      •  I strongly believe that ...
                                                              •  I disagree with ...

            ✓    Debate  is  kind  of  discussion  text.  It  consist  of  two  sides  speak  alternately  for  and  against  a  particular
                contention usually based on a topical issue or motion

                                                                              Adapted from English in Use and Pathway to English

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