P. 34

H. Exercises

               Activity 3. Make prepositional phrases from the possible combinations of the following

                              prepositions and noun phrases.


                      into               behind              across               over              between

                      under            alongside             during              beside             around


                    the curb            the room             the sea            the rain            the fire

                    the river         the cupboard          the street        the bank and          the bed
                                                                             the post office

                                                Taken from: Pathway to English book

               Activity 4. Read the following text and answer the questions.

                 The  Inuit,  who  used  to  be  called  “Eskimos”,  are  the  people  of  the  Canadian  Arctic.  They  have
                  adapted to the freezing cold surroundings, where they depend on marine life for food. In the area,

                 vegetables  and  trees  are  hard  to  find.  The  Inuit  hunt  land  animals  during  the  summer  with

                 traditional wepons, such as bows and narrows. Their primary means of transport is sleds pulled by

                 dogs. In order to protect their body from the extreme cold, they made clothing out of caribou fur.
                 Another interesting fact about the Inuit is the igloos, houses made of snow blocks, in which they live

                 during winter.
                                                  Taken from: Pathway to English book

                   1.  What is the text about?
                   2.  What do you think it is hard for the Inuit to grow vegetables?
                   3.  How do the Inuit feed themselves?
                   4.  How do the Inuit travel around?
                   5.  What is caribou? What does it look like?
                   6.  What is your opinion about the Inuit?
                   7.  Put the prepositional phrases under the suitable headings.
                   8.  Identify and underline all the prepositional phrases in the text above. Put it into the suitable

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