P. 28

F. Material Description

                     Activity  2. Read and learn the following explanation.

                                                       Prepositional Phrase

                *Preposition + Object of Preposition (Noun/Noun Phrase/ Noun Clause/Pronoun/Gerund/Gerund Phrase)

                *Preposition + Modifier(s) + Object of Preposition (Noun/Noun Phrase/ Noun Clause/Pronoun/Gerund/Gerund Phrase)

                   ✓  Preposition : Words that show a connection or relationship between others words in sentence
                   ✓  Phrase : Set of words which doesn’t contain S + V
                   ✓  Prepositional Phrase : Phrases that make prepositions as HEAD / CORE (yang di jelaskan)

                   ✓  Object of Preposition : Noun, Noun phrase, Noun Clause, Pronoun, Gerund, Gerund phrase
                      that comes after preposition
                   ✓  Prepositional phrase always begin by preposition (in, on, at, under, behind, beside, in front of,

                      next to, etc)
                   ✓  Ending with Object of Preposition (yang menjelaskan preposisi)

               Below is kinds of Object of Preposition

                          o  Noun

                              The object of preposition that’s used in the prepositional sentences below is NOUN.
                              Noun  means  a  word  used  to  identify  any  of  a  class  of  people,  places,  or  things
                              (common noun), or to name a particular one of these (proper noun).

                                                                                                    Object of
                                  Sentences            Prepositional   Preposition   Determiner    Preposition

                                                          phrase      (Head/Core)                    (OOP)
                         I’ll go with Dani             with Dani      with          -              Dani
                         I  have  special  gift  in  my  from my mom   from         my             mom

                         birthday from my mom
                         Baby girl is sitting on the floor  on the floor   on       the            floor

                         I  know  where’s  Monica  since  since   his  since        his            address
                         his  address  move  to  another  address

                         Have  you  ever  met  the  lady  with a scar   with        a              scar
                         with a scar on her night hand?

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