P. 24

B.    Read the text and answer correctly!

                            According  to  the  CDCTrusted  Source,  soda  is  not  good  for  a  person’s  health,  primarily
                   because of its sugar content. Too much sugar can have adverse effects on a person’s health.
                            According to one source, a typical 12-ounce (oz) can of soda contains 29.4 to 42 grams (g)
                   of sugar., which is equivalent to 7–10 teaspoons (tsp).
                          The CDCTrusted Source also state that consuming a lot of beverages sweetened with sugar
                   can  lead  to  weight  gain,  having  obesity,  type  2  diabetes,  heart  disease,  kidney  disease,  non-
                   alcoholic liver disease, gout.
                          Research  conducted  in  2018  found  that  people  who  regularly  drink  soda  have  a  greater
                   chance of developing type 2 diabetes than people who do not drink soda.
                          According to Harvard Health, people drink so much soda that it can cause weight gain. This
                   can occur due to a variety of reasons.
                          Soda does not make a person feel full in the same way that consuming the same amount of
                   calories  from  solid  food  would. Some  people  may  continue  eating  despite  consuming  a high-
                   calorie drink.
                          Additionally, sweet-tasting drinks may increase the appetite for other foods that are high in
                         Soda can also cause tooth decay. According to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service
                   (NHS), sugary drinks are a leading cause of tooth decay.
                         When the bacteria in the mouth break down the sugar, it produces acid, which can dissolve
                   the surface of the tooth.
                                  Adapted from:

                          1.  What’s the subject matter that’s discussed in the text above?
                          2.  Analyze what is the cause from the problem above?
                          3.  Many health problems that will face if you often drink water that contain soda. How
                              about your opinion related to the statement? How can you prevent it so that you will
                              get problem in your health later?
                          4.  What is the relation between paragraph 2 and 3?
                          5.  What is the writer intention in writing the text?

                      Skill Assessment

                      After learning the lesson in this unit, do the following test to increase your skill.
                          1.  Make a conversation teks for short movie consisting of causal relationship
                              (so...that.../such...that..., the theme is anything about school.
                          2.  Make it in HVS paper then decorate as creative as you can.

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