Page 70 - bingx
P. 70

Unit 4 Ali is not only smart but also humble

               Conversation 2
               Zainab and Zahra talk about the performance they want to see when attending an afternoon
               event at school.
               Zainab  : Hello, Zahra. How are you doing?
               Zahra    : Hi Zainab. I’m doing good, thank you.
               Zainab  : I can’t wait to see marching band, english drama, and choir performances.
               Zahra    : Yup, they will be not only attractive but also amazing.
               Zainab  : Absolutely, they’re all fabulous.


               1. Where does the conversation probably take place?

               2. What does Zahra say to describe the school performance?

               3. What does Zainab say to describe the school performance?

               Task 7
               Complete the dialogues. Then, act out the dialogue with your friend.
               Conversation 1
               Indah and Aisyah discuss about a book in their school library. They talk about the author and
               the contents of the book.

               Aisyah  : Indah, where will you going?
               Indah    : I will go to library and canteen.
               Aisyah  : Me, too. Let’s go there together!
               Indah    : OK. Do you want to search any references?
               Aisyah  : Yeah, I want to borrow a motivational book written by Andra Jane.
               Indah    : Andra Jane? As I know, she is a singer.
               Aisyah  : Yup, you’re right. She is        a singer         a writer.

               Conversation 2
               A teacher and some students go to a city park. The teacher tries to give a new learning atmos-
               phere for the students.

               Teacher         : How does it feel, my students? Do you like studying and playing in this park?
               Students        : We like it, Sir!
               Teacher         : Great. Which one do you like the most, studying in the class or in this park?
               Student 1       : I like studying here the most, Sir!
               Student 2       : I like learning both in the class and in this  park, Sir!
               Teacher         : Everyoen has their opinions. That’s OK.
                                I will try to make the atmosphere as cheerful as possible that it will make
                                you have         good understanding           interesting lesson.

               Students        : Yay, thank you, Sir!

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