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Table of Contents
               School principal's foreword ................................................................................... ii
               Foreword ................................................................................................................ iii
               Table of Content ................................................................................................... iv

               Unit 1 “Can I have your name, Please?” ............................................................... 1
               Asking for personal information      5
               Form 10
               CV 13

               Unit 2 “You have studied hard, You should pass it” .......................................... 21
               Expression of expectation using should 27
               Hortatory exposition 27
               Grammar: Social function of should 31

               Unit 3 “What will you be doing this time next week?” ....................................... 39
               Asking and telling plan 43
               Simple future 48
               Future continuous 50
               Future continuous vs future perfect 52

               Unit 4 “Ali is not only smart but also humble” ................................................... 59
               Expressions of connecting ideas 63
               Parallel structure 67
               Paired conjunction 71

               Unit 5 “KH Ahmad Dahlan is My Inspiration” ..................................................... 80
               Expressions of asking for past events 84
               Biography text 88
               Grammar for Speaking; Asking for help forms 71

               Final Examination ................................................................................................ 97
               Key Answer .......................................................................................................... 102
               Bibliography ........................................................................................................ 103
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