Page 18 - bingx
P. 18

Future perfect

                                                                                     Caution.! The form
                                                                                     of Future perfect
                                                                                     was simply, that is:
                                                                                     Will + Auxiliary
                                                                                     verb (Have) + past
                                                                                     participle (Verb 3).

                                                                                     Remember, you have
                                                                                     to be carefully with
                                                                                     this current tense
                                                                                     because it often

                                                                                     used in daily
                                                                                     conversation.!. Time
                                                                                     expression always
                                                                                     relate with the

               Further Examples

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                       �» �¨ää�ő ·¨¸�
                   ➢   Ä�℠ Ő�ä‒ ℠¨ŐŐ »�ª Ħ³� Ő¨³�� ¨ä ·Ä¨Ý  4¨¸� �Î�ő�Ýݨ�ä ��ő
                       ¶¨·» ä�· »�¦ő©g                  �ª·ªő� ��ő��¶·
                   ➢   "» ä�η ݪ¸¸�őù ·Ä�» ℠¨ŐŐ Ä¦³�   "» ݦ·ªő�¦»
                       �ª¨Ő· ·Ä� �ő¨�‒�                 ¨ä ·℠� ℠��ÖÝ
                   ➢   ·Ä� �Ő¦ä� ℠¨ŐŐ Ä¦³� ·¦Ö�ä ��� �»
                                                        �ä� �¦»
                       ·℠� Ä�ªőÝ
                   ➢   Ä� ℠¨ŐŐ ä�· Ħ³� ő�¶�¨³�� �ä�ª‒Ä  ·�¸�őő�℠
                       ݶ�ő� �» ·Ä� ݪ¸¸�ő              Ő¦·�ő
                   ➢   ·Ä�» ℠¨ŐŐ ä�· Ħ³� ���ä ¸¦őő¨�� �»
                       ä�η »�¦ő
                   ➢   ℠¨ŐŐ Ä� Ħ³� �¨ä¨ÝÄ�� Ä¨Ý ℠�őÖ �» >
                   ➢   ℠¨ŐŐ ·Ä� ¶�ä¶�ő· Ħ³� Ý·¦ő·�� �» \$

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