Page 76 - bingx
P. 76

Unit 4 Ali is not only smart but also humble

               Task 15
               Study the connecting ideas with because, even though/ although.

                  (a) He drank water because he was thirsty.   Because  expresses  a  cause;  it  gives  a
                                                               reason. Why did he drink water? Reason:
                                                               he was thirsty.
                                                               MAIN clause: He drank water (a complete
                                                               Adverb Clause: because he was thirsty
                                                               An adverb clause is not a complete sen-
                                                               Because introduce an adverb clause (be-
                                                               cause + subject + verb).
                  (a) He drank water because he was thirsty.   In (a):main clause + no comma + adverb
                  (b) Because he was thirsty, he drank water   clause
                                                               In  (b):  adverb  clause  +  comma  +  main

                  (a) Even though I was hungry, I did not eat.   Even  though  and  although  introduce  an
                  I did not eat even though I was hungry.      adverb clause.
                  (b) Although I was hungry, I did not eat.
                  I did not eat although I was hungry.         COMPARE
                                                               (c) Because I was hungry, I ate.
                                                               (d) Even though I was hungry, I did not eat.
                                                               Because expresses an expected result.
                                                               Even though / although expresses an un-
                                                               expected or opposite result.

               Task 16
               Correct the errors in these sentences. Pay special attention to punctuation.

               1. Even though I was sick, but I went to work.
                        Even though I was sick, I went to work.
                        I was sick, but I went to work
               2. The students crowded around the bulletin board. Because their grades were posted there.

               3. I had a cup of coffee, and so does my friend.

               4. Even I am very exhausted, I didn’t stop working until after midnight last night

               5. I like animals I have a little dog at home her name is Linda she is brown and white.

               6. Many of us experience stress on our jobs my job is stressful because my workplace is not
               pleasant or comfortable it is noisy hot and dirty even though I try to do my best my boss is un-
               happy with my work and always gives me bad performance reports I need to find another job.

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